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Color your business in Tokyo and the vicinity

Business localization in Tokyo and the surrounding regions
Local marketing and operational support services

digi-escape is a digital marketing agency in Tokyo, Japan.

Focused on business promotion in the Tokyo region, digi-escape uses locally-specialized digital marketing tactics that will thrive your business online and offline.

Offering comprehensive, tailor-made marketing services based on your budget, digi-escape ensures optimal digital approaches to your targeting market, substantially increasing and maximizing your business opportunities in Japan.

image: Tokyo region


Digital marketing allows anybody to grow business wherever in Japan, central Tokyo, and rural areas in the suburbs. The digi-escape delivers practical local information, vital to creating both a global or regional market entry strategy.

Japan comprises 47 prefectures, and Tokyo consists of 23 special wards and 26 cities - each of which has a different business support system, rules, regulations, and even a subtle-but-distinctive local culture. The digi-escape plays an information provider's role to help SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) gain a foothold for a solid business in Japan.

digi-escape offers marketing services in the areas of;

image monozukuri

Specialty products

Dig up innovative, distinctive Japanese products that have been locally known but not yet anywhere else. Many Japanese SMEs are looking to market expansion and keen to develop more products in collaboration with partners.

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Digital farming technologies are currently in high demand. More entrepreneurs head to local regions and start a farm business with SDGs in mind - Farmers and engineers will see a business opportunity in Japan.

image:Tourism in Japan


The recent population decline in Japan's local regions elevates the importance of "Chihou Sousei" or regional revitalization. Tourism development in local communities is a significant key factor bringing in value to destinations, where you will find new business opportunities.

Marketing Services

dig-escape's complete digital marketing service solutions offer an integrated blend of the best practices in localization, starting with intensive research and information gathering. The content localization includes an audit to gain an in-depth insight into the state of the website.

digi-escape translates, localizes, and optimizes your ad content into highly readable, informative, and engaging Japanese. The cornerstone of our J-SEO services is essential for your success in Japanese markets.

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Content creation

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Promotion activities

Operational Support Services

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Sales promotion

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Language help

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Guide to Japan

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