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Web media | digi-Joho

digi-joho is a series of websites all about the country of Japan, mostly focused on Tokyo and vicinity. The purpose of digi-joho is to provide practical, very local information (=joho) for those traveling, living, studying, working and doing business in Japan.

digi-joho JAPAN Business & Living

digi-joho JAPAN Business & Living is a comprehensive guide to business in/with Japan, featuring Small and Medium Enterprise Businesses in Tokyo.

digi-joho TOKYO TRAVEL

For those doing business or looking for business opportunities in/with Japan, digi-joho JAPAN provides information with the emphasis on SME business in the local regions, especially the northeast area of Tokyo known for small industries producing a broad range of products from hi-tech components to traditional crafts.

digi-joho JAPAN also provides tips and advice on living, working, studying and travel in Tokyo, will help you have a better life in Japan.

digi-joho TOKYO TRAVEL

digi-joho Tokyo TOKYO TRAVEL is a guide to travel to/in/from Tokyo that includes information on everyday attractions, retreats, day-trips as well as tourist spots - mostly located off the beaten path.
digi-joho TOKYO TRAVEL

digi-joho Nihongo (Japanese website)


digi-joho Nihongo is a Japanese website to offer practical business information for SMEs. The information available on this website is mostly press releases.

digi-joho Nihongo


A collection of English/Japanese phrase samples basically provided for non-English-speaking people working in retail or hospitality, such as restaurants, B&B and Izakaya Bars in Japan. These samples are also useful for non-Japanese-speaking customers.


Japanese phases samples have also been added for non-Japanese-speakers in various industries, including the mechanical and agricultural industries.

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